Best Seller Strumstick


Built-in Electric Pickup Retro-Fit

If you are buying a Strumstick, add the pickup as an option when you buy the Strumstick (on its page).

Only order here if you want to add a Pickup to a Strumstick you already have. We will send you shipping instructions to ship your Strumstick to us, and we will send it back with the pickup installed.

The Built-in Pickup allows connecting the Strumstick to an amp, effects, PA, or computer interfaces. Plugging into an amp greatly increases the sound possibilities of the Strumstick; add Treble or Bass, play crystal clean or add " edge" to the sound (from a sharp bite to rock/blues/metal overdrive). Effects devices (stand-alone, or part of many amps) add spacey new-age echos and lush shimmering "fullness" to notes. With an appropriate interface device, you can record into Garage Band or many other recording applications. The Built-in Pickup is the access point for all these musical features. And the Strumstick still sounds great when you are not plugged in.

Piezo-type pickup, Custom designed for the Strumstick by Schatten. 1/4" jack (standard guitar cable) connector.

To Add the Pickup; select it as an option when ordering your Strumstick. Or you can order it separately and send us a Strumstick you already have, we will install the pickup and return the Strumstick to you.



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